Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Snapshots: London Under Blue Skies

Yes, I know: it rains a lot in London.

But when it's nice outside, you've got it made, because London is absolutely gorgeous!

At the beginning of my stay in August, it was positively steaming outside, with temperatures in the 80s and very few cloudy days. According to the forecast, it's meant to soon dip into the 60s and start its infamous spitting of rain, but in the meantime I'm just enjoying the Vitamin D.

The iconic shot of London, made a little more exciting with the Olympic Rings! 

Daytrip out to Greenwich. No fewer than three people told me, "Hey, Kristen. There's a Nandos over there." (just out of the shot). Thanks, guys! To be fair, EVERY SINGLE TIME I speak with a student about a particular site in London I inevitably follow it up with "...and there's a great Nandos close by." No shame.

Lovely morning in Kensington Gardens 

The street where my students are staying - too posh to believe, eh?

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