Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What I Am Not: A Fearless Travel Blogger

My first time traveling without grown-ups, at age 20!

You want the truth? With this blog, I will not become a professional travel blogger, make any money, or even reach an audience beyond my family and friends (aka, my mother, who has already promised to read every post). I frankly lack the skills necessary to do any fancy design, HTML, or marketing. And you know what? I don't want to become a professional travel blogger.

After having read dozens of blogs and hundreds of posts, I know that there are plenty of incredibly talented bloggers out there who are more adept than I at helping others achieve their dreams - my personal inspirations have been Kate at Adventurous Kate, Stephanie at Twenty-Something Travel, and Christine at C'est Christine.

So - why do I write? (Besides my love of self-aggrandizing, of course). I thought hard about if I wanted to start this blog (or more accurately, re-start my now-slightly-embarrassing study abroad blog). I've already said that there are others more talented and much cooler than I am doing the same thing - so why contribute my voice?

The answer, it turned out, is simple - I need a record for myself that I actually did this. That I actually took my introverted, transitions-hating, schedule-loving self abroad, solo, into the complete unknown.

The truth is I am terrified. I am planning my travels with almost a grim inevitability. Wanderlust has been a part of me for as long as I can remember, and traveling solo to my dream destinations the single-minded goal I have been working towards for the past three years.  And yet, I am SO SCARED. 

But as I've chewed over my fear, I realized something important: every single time I have been scared in my life of a new, unknown thing, it has worked out perfectly.

Continuing to be the coolest person around (at graduation)

And so, I journey forward. The fear remains, and will remain for quite a while, I suspect. But this is why I write. I need to show myself, when I reach the end of the road, that I may have quivered as I initially stepped foot, but I made it to the end and survived. 

(Also, I wasn't kidding about the whole self-aggrandizing thing. I have a domain! I'm kind of a big deal.)

So what's the master plan? The first part of my next steps most people know - I will be working in London through the fall. And after that? Well, I've decided to follow in the footsteps of those favorite bloggers and jump on to the well-trodden backpacker's trail in the winter and spring for solo travel in Southeast Asia.

[P.S. My good friend Laura Maas at Maasachusetts wrote a fantastic post today about why she writes, including an absolutely wonderful article about why every woman should travel solo. I really enjoyed it and encourage you to read it as well!]

(To end with CAT PICTURE! Here's the happiest cat in Istanbul - not quite SEA, but gettin' on over there. Why is this cat so happy? He is FAMOUS! The bona fide Hagia Sophia cat - he seriously does live in the museum; he's been pet by the man, President Obama, himself; AND he's now in my blog. Fame, my friends. Here is where you start paying, in sweat!)


  1. I'm so excited for you, and can't wait to travel with you via your blog. Keep listening to future Kristen, and keep calm and be brave.
